Kids these days..

Tuesday | 7/07/2009 02:12:00 PM | 4 comments

I have no idea whats in his mind when he did this. He writes the same name like i did. but the sketch bites FINE, DOES, and DAIM. You be the judge.

Bonus (on the bus)



Blogger bimce jaing 4:00 PM said ... : 

gw tau orang dah kyknya nie
dia ikut acara anak plsck yg di otista
ketemu pas di tm kemaren
doi daftar pk nama nsane
gw kira lo..


Blogger mumu 11:03 AM said ... : 

u must do the nsane(with5) blockbuster too.haha


Blogger RAMSTA726 7:42 PM said ... : 

hahaha,tengil banget orangnya..lo bisa cek ke blog gw deh,dia komen


Blogger relb 12:46 PM said ... : 

respect nsane5


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