Non stopin

Friday | 8/21/2009 12:49:00 PM | 2 comments

Hello everyone. Sorry for the late updates. Here it is some of a great day workin with NAME2 and ZANY13 MASE CREW. A non stopin day with spray paint. The objective is to finish this giant wall with only half a day without having a good night sleep before hand. Yap, we're to tired to just start rollin. Can u imagine that..
On the other wall is YEAH and KOMA from Artcoholic. We even didnt have no time to talk when we're there painting together. We're in such a rush hour.
Im gonna post the full wall soon. Just stick around..



Anonymous Anonymous 2:35 PM said ... : 

mana ending nya mas Nsane?


Anonymous Nastywo 10:15 PM said ... : 

wiii nice nsane, pengen liat dari depan piece nya. kaya nya keren font nya hehe


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